Learn how the Fatboy Belt got started with the original Fatboy.
(Heads up! This was written by the original Fatboy and he likes to speak what we call "anglish". So don't be offended by the bad grammer and run on sentences, he thinks he is pretty funny)
"Several years ago I got tired of wearing a belt with a metal buckle that chipped paint on my classic cars, left creases in my expanding beer belly, rusted because us fat boys sweat a little bit more, chipped the finish off of the bedroom floor at night, set off the metal detector at airports, and became entangled in my climbing harness when I was scaling the north slope of Mt. McKinley.
Well I just added that last reason to make you think I was in much better shape than I really am. Makes a great story though. Also I got very annoyed at the belts on the market that were two pieces of thin leather stitched together to make consumers think they were of adequate thickness to be a good belt (hogwash). Because after we pay 25 to 30 bucks for one of these supposedly adequate belts which after being worn for a month or so roll from the strain of us fat boys ever expanding waist lines (& my wife tells me I look like a pot roast with a string tied around it when I take off my shirt on the beach on the Riviera). Well at least I had on bermuda shorts & my ever faithful combat boots on, I wonder what she would say, if I had bought that thong at the duty free shop?
Well nonetheless, I decided to put my leather expertise to work & design what I believe to be the best belt on the market today. Introducing (drum roll) Fatboy Belts by Two Fools Leather Goods. These soon to be world famous belts are made from one piece of 10-12, or 14-16 oz. English Harness Leather. This stuff is used for Draft Horse harnesses surely it will hold up to a little strain from my expanding waist line. Over several years of testing & a couple of tweaks to the design on myself & several of my hunting buddies they are the only belt we now wear. Heck, I have even made them for skinny fellers who swear they are the best damn gun belts available. They haven’t chipped paint, left creases, rusted, became entangled in any climbing harness on my recent expeditions, (hey it makes the story flow), or caused any problems at the airport (other than a traffic jam when the nimrod TSA agent makes you remove it & all the other fat boys in line want to know where you found such an innovative, sturdy, & downright smart looking belt).That’s my cue to start handing out cards which causes even more of a backup."
-Curt Gillock